News | Health Shield

World Oral Health Day

Written by Health Shield | Mar 21, 2024 10:16:44 AM

Happy World Oral Health Day!

Today, on the 20th of March, we join the global celebration of World Oral Health Day, dedicated to equipping everyone with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to prioritise the wellbeing of their teeth. It's a day that highlights the importance of oral health, an aspect of wellness that sometimes doesn't get the attention it deserves.

Oral diseases can have a significant impact on people's lives, but the good news is that most of these conditions are preventable, especially when detected early. Daily brushing is a simple yet effective way to maintain good oral health, and it also contributes to prevent conditions such as heart disease. Taking care of your oral health isn't just about your teeth - it's about your overall wellbeing because your smile is truly worth protecting!

We understand the challenges many people face when it comes to affording dental care, especially with the increased cost of living. We've found that 50% of employees struggle to pay for dental care due to these financial pressures*. With more than 8 in 10 employees have also reduced their spending in other routine healthcare costs such as optician appointments and physiotherapy*. 

We firmly believe that oral health should never be a luxury, it's essential to break down the financial barriers that may stand in the way of a healthy smile. That's why we're proud to offer health cash plans designed to support you and your employees in prioritising oral health without added financial stress. We found that 90% of employees would be more likely to stay with the employer that offer health and wellbeing benefits*. 

With our health cash plan, your employees can receive money back on dental visits, ensuring that their oral health is never neglected. This means you can take proactive steps to protect your smile without worrying about the cost.

To learn more about how our health cash plan can benefit you and your employees, visit to find out more.

Let's celebrate World Oral Health Day by taking positive steps towards maintaining healthy, happy smiles together!

*Snapshot survey, carried out by Health Shield December 2023 amongst 564 people in full- or part-time work; and with a cross-section of regions, gender, and age.